Healthcare Recruitment Strategies

Healthcare Recruitment Strategies

The hiring process today looks entirely different than it did ten years ago. Even processes that were created two years ago now need refinement. With the average cost per hire exceeding $4,000, you can’t afford to rely on the hiring tactics of yesterday to get you the quality candidates of today. That’s why looking at your current process and implementing innovative recruitment strategies is crucial. In doing so, you will find quality applicants that are good for your patients and a good fit for your company.

10 Innovative Healthcare Recruitment Strategies

1. Freshen Your Branding

Your company brand is more than a logo and how you present yourself in person — although it may include those things. It’s your culture, values, messaging in person and online, goals, and how your employees and patients perceive you.

Potential hires may view your practice as outdated if you haven’t freshened up your brand in a few years. This can hurt your reputation and drag out the recruitment process as you struggle to find candidates who are passionate about your practice. Remember that your brand stretches across platforms — from your website and social media to the look and feel of your waiting room. Everywhere a candidate looks, they should see the same message.

2. Evaluate Your Benefits & Compensation Packages

The healthcare industry faces a minor crisis — there are more jobs than people to hire. This has caused the hiring process to become highly competitive. And, whether you’d like to admit it or not, you have to offer more enticing benefits than your competition’s. But that doesn’t mean you have to hire someone with the highest salary.

By evaluating your benefits and compensation packages, you can update outdated policies and feature new benefits to better resonate with your audience. Have you recently implemented technology that makes it easier for nurses to check in and see patients in their homes? Ensure you’re advertising this technology as a benefit of working with your practice. Quality candidates want to know you’re invested in making their work lives more manageable.

3. Update Your Job Listings

To save time, many practices create templates for their job listing. This can be an easy way to post a job opening quickly. But, as your practice grows and scales, the job you’re listing has also likely changed. Make sure you’re updating your job descriptions so that the position still aligns with what the person hired will be doing.

You should also take this opportunity to define professional pathways. Are there certifications that this job posting needs? Is this position for someone just out of training, or is a certain level of real-world experience required? Ensure that your job listing explicitly outlines the expectations to ensure you’re resonating with the right candidates.

4. Refine Your Hiring Process

If you still require candidates to fax, mail, or return applications in person, you’re definitely losing out on many qualified candidates. That’s because outdated hiring processes tell a lead that your practice is also outdated — whether or not that’s true.

By looking at your hiring process, identifying where you can improve, and implementing those changes, you can leverage a hiring process that works for your practice. This includes any aspect, from how people can apply for the job to your questions in the interview. Make sure that your hiring process is representative of your brand. If you’re technologically savvy, technology should play a vital role in the hiring process

5. Focus on Your Culture

Your company culture is not only crucial for recruiting quality candidates; it’s essential for retaining talent. Burnout is one of the leading causes of nurses leaving the industry, but developing a culture that cares for your staff as much as you do for your patients can help alleviate those pain points and keep your employees working at their best.

When recruits review your business, they’re not just looking at your benefits. They’re seeing how your employees feel about working for you. They’re scrolling through pictures on Facebook of your last company party to see how happy people look. They’re asking questions about what you do to support your employees. That’s why it’s imperative that your culture reflects your values and invites people to want to work for you.

6. Post on Popular Job Boards

Simply posting your open position and waiting around for the flood of applicants isn’t going to cut it anymore. You may get a sea of applications, but the quality of those candidates will range from over to underqualified. By identifying popular job boards in the healthcare industry, you can go to the source to find nurses, practitioners, and other candidates for your practice.

See firsthand what candidates are looking for and pose your questions to find out how you can improve your hiring process. And, when you find someone you think could be suitable for a position you’re hiring for, don’t be afraid to reach out to them.

7. Appeal to Other Branches

As industry trends shift and nurses become increasingly overwhelmed, now may be the time to look at other medical branches for qualified candidates. Whether they’re a travel nurse looking to put down roots or a hospital nurse looking to make a better connection with their patients, these employees have the skills you’re looking for, but they may not realize your practice is a better fit for them.

Consider incorporating this aspect into your messaging for your healthcare recruitment strategy. Look at the cons of working in each healthcare branch and consider how your practice relieves those challenges. Address those benefits wherever possible.

8. Create a Multi-Platform Campaign

Similar to how posting on a job board and waiting for people to apply isn’t effective in the current competitive market, only using one platform to advertise your open positions is likely missing a ton of qualified candidates. If you only post on job boards, you’re missing out on candidates engaging with you on social media. If you’re only posting on social, you’re missing out on the ones who have bookmarked your careers page.

By advertising your open positions across multiple platforms, you can ensure the likeliest candidates see your post. In addition to hosting your open positions on a careers page or platforms, you can send out an email advertising the open position to people who have applied to your company in the past or previous employees in good standing. In addition to your organic social posts, you can create paid ads on different social platforms — from LinkedIn to Instagram. The more qualified candidates see your open position, the more likely they will learn about your company and apply.

9. Look Inward

Internal is one of the most often overlooked places when creating a recruitment strategy. Your staff is involved in various groups and communities you may not even know about or have access to. By talking to your staff and asking them to share open positions, you can reach new audiences while allowing your team to brag about what it’s like working for you.

Returning to the culture aspect, it can help retain talent by including referral systems in your recruitment strategy. If your nurses are incentivized to refer a great candidate, they’ll be more likely to advertise on your behalf — not because you’re asking them to, but because they want to.

10. Leverage a Recruitment Database

While recruiters are usually the first place you look to help you fill positions, they’re often working for several companies simultaneously — including your competitors. This drives up the competition, and it becomes a rush to see who can hire the candidate first. But, ensuring the candidates you interview are the right fit for your company takes time. If you’re competing for talent, you’ve already lost.

By leveraging a proprietary recruitment database, you can find talent before they hit the job boards — giving you access to candidates before anyone else and proactively putting your open positions before qualified candidates so you’re not waiting for applications to trickle in. And, because you’re reaching applicants at a unique stage in the process, you have less competition for high-quality talent.

Need help with recruitment? Allegrow Can Help

Developing a healthcare recruitment strategy for your practice can be difficult. From freshening up your brand to finding quality candidates that fit your culture, Allegrow can help you develop a course of action, provide you with business intelligence solutions, and ensure that your recruitment strategy is on track. For more information, contact our client experience team today.
