Best Virtual Team Building Activities

Virtual Team Building Activities

For Allegrow — and countless other companies — the shift to working fully remotely happened fast. Sometimes it feels like we’ve always worked this way, and the memory of squeezing into non-sweatpants five days a week is only a bad dream. Other times, it feels like something is missing. That something is all the beautiful faces, voices, conversation, jokes, laughter, and delightful annoyances of my teammates.

I can personally attest that it’s difficult to replace the interactions that naturally and effortlessly happen when you’re working in the office with your team. Being physically distant can easily turn into feeling emotionally distant, which is why making employee engagement and virtual team building a priority is so important. Virtual team building — just as in person — is about creating positive interactions with your teammates and building upon your relationships. Here are four of our Greatest Virtual Team Building Hits!

The 4 Best Virtual Team Building Activities in 2023

1. Book Club

Oprah is really on to something here. A book club is a great way to encourage communication and learn not only about a variety of new concepts, perspectives, and skills, but about one another. At Allegrow, we have a monthly book club with titles selected by different team members, concluding with a week of discussion about various topics in the book.

2. Art Contests

As Albert Einstein said, “Creativity is contagious.” Fun, themed art contests are a great way to give everyone a way to express themselves, and the submissions are guaranteed to stir up a lot of laughs and conversation. The medium can be open or specific, such as a drawing, painting, photography, etc. For example, we recently did a photo contest with the theme “Home.” The winning piece is shown below.

House of Carbs“House of Carbs” by Matt Ashwood

3. Games

Our team is most alive when competing, and any game will do! Create a customized bingo or trivia game and award prizes to the winners, or splurge on a facilitated online problem-solving game or escape room. We recently played The Puzzle game as a team, and we give it two thumbs up (and more if we had them). You can also create uber-personalized games by collecting information from team members.

4. Standing Lunch and Drink Dates

One of the things our team misses the most is sharing a meal or drink or a mountain of donuts together. As a substitute, having time set aside to recreate these moments virtually is sweet! For the early birds, schedule a standing morning coffee talk to chat while getting ramped up for the day, or a happy hour for winding down at the end of the week. Video group lunches are also great, and you have the added benefit of being able to turn off your camera momentarily to get the food out of your teeth.

We Can Do This

Although we can’t exactly replicate personal interactions that occur while working in an office, there are plenty of creative ways to connect and stay engaged with one another virtually. A little effort and imagination go a long way toward keeping the gang happy and together.

About the author: Lauren Keel is the Operations Manager at Allegrow. In addition to keeping things running smoothly, she ensures the fun-loving company culture stays alive.
