How To Perform a Quick SEO Audit Using Screaming Frog

SEO Audit

You can spend hours upon hours identifying all the problems or areas for improvement for a website. This article covers how to perform a quick 15-minute SEO audit for small to medium websites.

I’ve performed hundreds of SEO audits for friends, clients, and family. From this experience, I’ve learned that there are three optimal times when you should conduct an SEO audit.

1. Before working on a new website.
2. Before launching a new website.
3. After launching a website.

Apart from these specific times, it’s also best to perform a quick audit monthly or quarterly, depending on how often the site’s content changes.

After reading this guide, you will:

  • Know how to analyze a website using Screaming Frog and understand the results.
  • Be able to identify key issues with broken links, page titles, metadata, and much more.
  • Learn how to fix these issues using the industry’s best practices.

SEO Audit Checklist

This guide is not recommended for beginners since it covers some technical aspects. The areas are split into sections and subsections as they appear in the Screaming Frog SEO Spider tool.

1. Page Titles

Check for too long or too short page titles, or even worse, missing, multiple, or duplicate page titles. Page titles, also called meta titles or SEO titles, are an important ranking factor and the perfect place to include your target keywords.

Note: If you’re using the Yoast SEO Plugin, the Page Title Screaming Frog refers to will be the SEO Title, NOT the Page Title at the top of the page.

Page Title Too Long (Over 60 Characters or 561 Pixels): If your content is already ranking and generating organic traffic, the best thing to do in this situation is to manually check the SERPs by searching in incognito mode using the target keywords and verifying the page title in the SERPs is actually too long and is being truncated, or worse, being completely re-written. You can quickly tell if it is being truncated if there is an ellipsis in the title.

There are best practices to follow on character lengths and pixel lengths, but Google’s algorithm does not treat each page title the same for every query, so it’s best to manually check the pages and see for yourself before making changes.

Page Title Too Short (Below 30 Characters or 200 Pixels): If your page title is short, you’re missing out on a chance to stand out in the SERPs. If you have extra space in the page title, it is a good idea to incorporate adjectives or descriptors like best, ultimate, guide, step-by-step, etc., or add your brand name.

To further improve click-through rates, it may even make sense to re-write the title to be more appealing, such as by featuring a numbered list, a how-to guide, a question users are asking, or through another use of compelling language. An example would be, for the keyword “SEO Audit,” you wouldn’t leave the page title as that; you might change it to:

  • How Do I Perform an SEO Audit? – Allegrow
  • A 3-Step SEO Audit Process To Improve Your Website
  • How To Perform the Ultimate SEO Audit for Your Website

Missing or Multiple Page Titles: If there are pages on your website with multiple page titles or a missing page title, this will need to be addressed on a page-by-page basis and may involve your developer’s help if it’s an issue created by your website’s theme. Every page should have a one-page title, so it’s a bad practice for there to be more than one or none.

2. Meta Descriptions

Check for missing, duplicate, too long, or too short meta descriptions. While meta descriptions are not a direct ranking factor, they can influence click-through rates, which means a well-optimized meta description can result in more traffic and higher rankings.

Missing: Pages missing a meta description lose a chance to improve CTR (click-through rate) by having a handcrafted meta description instead of an auto-generated one from Google. For more information on writing the best meta descriptions, I’d recommend reading this Hubspot blog: How to Write an Effective Meta Description.

Duplicate: Duplicate meta descriptions aren’t always bad and won’t necessarily hurt your SEO, but you are missing out on a chance to personalize your meta descriptions to each page. You probably don’t want the same exact meta description on your main service page as your contact page; however, if you have a contact page and multiple service scheduling pages for your primary services, you could save time and focus your marketing efforts elsewhere by using the same or similar meta descriptions for these pages and tweaking them slightly for each service.

Meta Description Too Long (Over 155 Characters or 985 Pixels): Like too-long page titles, there are best practices to follow for the length of your meta descriptions. However, Google’s algorithm treats each query uniquely, and meta descriptions are both query and page dependent, meaning if you type in different queries, the same page may show up in the SERPs with different meta descriptions. It’s important to manually check your meta descriptions for your top keywords before making changes because you may have a meta description that, while it is flagged as too long, isn’t being truncated in the SERPs, meaning it’s completely fine to leave the meta description as is and as a bonus, you’ll even have more real estate and stick out in the SERPs with a longer than normal meta description.

Meta Description Too Short (Below 70 Characters or 400 Pixels): Just like too-short page titles, you’re missing out on the opportunity to improve CTR, and if your meta description is too short, you lose out on potential real estate in the SERPs, and it has a much higher chance of being entirely re-written by Google.

3. Response Codes

For all response code errors, you can see which page or pages link to the offending URL by selecting the link in the “Address” column and selecting the “Inlinks” tab at the bottom of Screaming Frog. Every URL listed under the “From” column will have a link somewhere on the page to the offending URL.

No Response: On rare occasions, you might find an improperly typed or formatted link that won’t appear as a 404 error, which can be overlooked by common 404 checker tools and missed when performing an SEO audit.

An example of a “No Response” error would be a link such as this: “htps://” Crawlers will not pick this up as a 404 error because it doesn’t recognize the address starting with “htps.” So if you only look for 404 errors, this incorrect, broken link will not appear in your audit.

Ignore Statuses of “Connection Refused” or “Blocked”: Sometimes, you will link to a website that refuses or blocks certain crawling requests, such as those from Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider. This generally will not affect your website and is not something to worry about. Still, you can manually enter these links into your address bar directly to ensure that they aren’t 404ing or redirecting.

Redirection (301 Error, 302 Error, Etc.): Check ALL of your internal links for any redirects. In most cases, you’ll be able to quickly and easily update these links yourself, so there’s no reason any internal link should ever redirect or, worse, be part of a long redirect chain.

I’ll even fix every link to match the proper trailing end slashes and update HTTP to HTTPS. While this is generally an insignificant concern as Google likely does not have too much trouble understanding these are the same pages, I have seen these minor discrepancies impact reports in Google Analytics and Google Search Console, and occasionally linking to things like an image as HTTP instead of HTTPS can cause security issues on your website.

302 Redirects: Look for any improperly used 302 redirects. 302 redirects are meant to be used temporarily and should not be used in place of 301 if the content has been permanently moved.

For more information, check out Google’s John Mueller’s explanation of how Google treats 301 and 302s.

Lack of or improper use of redirections can hurt your SEO efforts by:

  • Sending diluted ranking signals
  • Slowing down page load time
  • Creating crawl issues for Googlebot
  • Causing loss of link juice

Client Error (404 Error): Screaming Frog will pick up any 404 links that have accumulated over time. These will include a mix of internal 404 errors and external 404 errors.

If you’re running a WordPress site, you can use a plugin to handle your redirects. My preferred plugin for setting up redirections is Redirection by John Godley:

It’s simple and easy to use, and there’s even a feature to bulk import from a CSV, which can save a lot of time if you have more than ten redirects, or in some cases, hundreds of redirects, to set up at a time.

The most common scenarios where I find 404 errors are links to other websites that have moved their content and did not set up proper redirects or deleted the content for whatever reason. These instances will have to be fixed on a case-by-case basis. In most cases, I try to find the original link, but If I can’t find it, I’ll either link to another resource or remove it.

404 errors can hurt your SEO efforts by:

  • Providing a poor user experience
  • Loss of link juice

404 redirection DOs

  • DO redirect 404 errors to relevant content
  • DO let content that is no longer on the website 404

404 redirection DON’Ts

DO NOT redirect all 404 errors to an irrelevant page, such as the homepage. Google will pick these up as soft 404 errors, so you won’t gain anything in the long run from doing this and will likely be providing a poor user experience. Instead, focus on creating or optimizing your 404 page or, if possible, recreating the lost content.
