
Downloadable Whitepapers

The Silent Threats in M&A Due Diligence

The Silent Threats in M&A Due Diligence

Choosing your next acquisition? Looking deeper than the financials will save you pain and lost profit.

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Smooth Integration Success Strategies

Smooth Integration Success Strategies

Acquisition complete? It’s time to integrate smoothly and turn challenges into triumphs.

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Turnaround Tactics for Merger Success

Turnaround Tactics for Merger Success

Merger not living up to the board’s expectations? It’s time to fix it.

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The Ultimate Guide to Recruiting Nurses

The Ultimate Guide to Nurse Recruitment

Need nurses now? You must revolutionize your recruitment approach and outpace competitors.

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Latest M&A Insights

What Is a Roll-Up Strategy?

What Is a Roll-Up Strategy?

A roll-up strategy involves acquiring and merging multiple smaller companies within the same industry to form a larger, more competitive…

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The Importance of Due Diligence in Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As)

The Importance of Due Diligence in M&A

In mergers and acquisitions (M&A), due diligence is the critical analysis and evaluation process undertaken by a potential buyer to…

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M&A Integration Checklist

The Ultimate M&A Integration Checklist

Growing your company through mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is transformative. It can enhance market share, increase operational efficiency, and exponentially…

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The Healthcare CEO Show

Charting Healthcare’s Future With Executives

The Healthcare CEO Show brings together leading voices from across the healthcare industry to delve into the forces shaping healthcare today. From innovation and strategy to culture and technology, we’re on a mission to unearth the insights and stories of healthcare’s most influential leaders.

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eHealthcare Leadership Awards 2020

The Healthcare CEO on Apple Podcasts

The Healthcare CEO on Spotify

The Healthcare CEO on Google Podcasts